Pricing Packages


Unlimited Classes
$10 / mo Online Offering
10% off Sports Lab Rec
Ease Stress & Anxiety
2 free guest passes per month

Annual Membership

Unlimited Classes
Unlimited Online
Billed Yearly
Priority Scheduling
2 free guest passes per month

IV Infusions

Brainstorm – $200 (Click Here to Order) (This cocktail helps with mental clarity and increased cognition function) Ingredients: Folic acid w/ B12 / L-Taurine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid

High Dose Immune Boost – $185 (Click Here to Order)–  This combination of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will help to build up your immune system and reduce chronic inflammation.
Ingredients: Thiamine / Riboflavin-5-Phos / Pyridoxine HCL / Niacinamide / Calcium / Gluconate / Hydroxocobalamin / Ascorbic Acid
Get up and Go – $200 (Click Here to Order)– This infusion boosts your metabolism, helping you shed the pounds as also works as an energy enhancer by supporting your metabolism by targeting the liver and breaking down fat cells, controls mood and appetite and great for energy production and kickstarting fitness and weight loss goals..
Ingredients: Olympia Vita Complex / Amino Blend
Ingredients: Asorbic Acid / Olympia Vita Complex / Olympia Mineral Blend
Reboot -$185 (Click Here to Order) Replenishes electrolytes and dehydration levels with signature vitamin blend, boosts immunity, vitality and liver function and great for hangover relief, nauseau, migraines, food poisoning, dehydration, jet lag and inflammation.
Ingredients: Odansetron / Olympia Vita Complex / Olympia Mineral Blend

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10 +

Healthy Recipes at the Juice Bar.
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